The school is open during normal school term
time. Payment for classes is made on a termly
fee basis.
The first initial introductory class at
the school is free of charge per pupil.
Please make sure you contact the school either
by phone or email to discuss your class interests.

First day
At Let’s Dance in York, we want that first day to be a relaxed and enjoyableexperience. Every child is different and so at Let’s Dance we will take the time make sure your child feels comfortable and settles in their the new class. Your child can wear anything comfortable for the first day –
a skirt or dress for girls and shorts or leggings and a t- Shirt for boys, ballet shoes or bare feet.
After the class, no commitment is necessary. We like to give you time to
see if the class is right for your child and we can discuss this to ensure a
happy time.

Child Safety
Let’s Dance will take no responsibility for
students or their siblings whilst outside the class. Responsibility for students outside class
lies with the student’s parent or guardian. Students will not be released from class until a parent or guardian is seen by the teacher. This is for their safety, and we ask for parents’ co-operation in this matter to ensure that the student is collected at the scheduled end of the lesson.

Fee Policy
A copy of our fees can be obtained by phoning Sandra on 01904 708399.
Fees are due and payable on the first day of each term. Discounts are available – please refer to the fee structure. Fees will not be refunded if a child leaves before the end of term, or misses a lesson. Payments accepted are BACS and cash.

Hair is to be worn neatly tied back with no loose fringes and in a bun for ballet. No jewellery or watches are permitted, as they are dangerous when dancing. Students must come to class with the correct uniform. This is for their safety and competency when dancing. Excess clothing must be removed prior to the lesson.
All Uniform can be ordered from Let’s Dance.

Attendance and Discontinuation of Classes
Should you wish to discontinue classes, a half term’s notice must be given or half terms fee in lieu.

Lost Property
No responsibility will be taken for personal property. Parents are asked to label all clothing and shoes to enable us to return to the correct owner.

Public Holidays
We are closed on Public Holidays. However, classes are held on pupil free school days.

Bi-annually we hold performances at a local professional theatre involving the whole school, showcasing the students’ talents and skills learnt during the year. It is expected that all students will participate in the show, but it is not

Ballet Exams
Ballet exams are not compulsory, and students will be offered the opportunity to take their exam based on the teacher’s analysis of their capabilities, otherwise, assessments are offered as an alternative. Or a student can move up if they have progressed enough but do not wish to partake in the exam.

Fees are per term. Discounts may be applicable at our discretion – please refer to the fee structure. Fees are non-refundable once paid. Payment is by cash or cheque. Fees are due and payable on the first day of each term.

Physical Contact
Demonstration of exercises and personal correction requires some physical contact from time-to-time is order to assist understanding of movement. Physical contact may be required if first aid needs to be administered.

Photography and DVDs
By enrolling in our school, you accept that any photographs or video recordings taken during performance or class may be used for publicity, advertising and on our website.

Parent Watching Days
Parents and friends will be invited to watch classes on designated days usually when students are working toward an exam. These classes are designed for you to see the progress of your child or the development of the levels throughout the school. Aside from watching days, parents are not permitted to watch classes as it is distracting for both the teacher and students. Please also refrain from speaking with the teacher between classes as this takes time out of the following lesson. Direct any enquiries to the principal between 9.00am and 3.00pm.